6 Ways To Cut Your Cleaning Time

Cleaning your home can be a grueling process that can take up most of your time. But what if it doesn’t have to be as tedious and as time-consuming?  We’ve put together 6 tips for speeding up the weekly clean.


1.   Focus on the top of the room down

Dust can move and re-settle, so be careful not to ruin your nice clean floors and create more work for yourself. Work from the top of the room down and start by dusting. Leave vacuuming and mopping until last.

Don’t forget or be put off by areas that are tricky to dust! Lampshades, picture frames and blinds all need to be dusted regularly.

2. Keep a squeegee in the shower

At the end of each shower, wipe down the glass to remove excess water. This will keep your glass looking much cleaner for longer and minimise soap scum.

3.  Keep countertops clear

This not only makes your home feel more spacious and clean, but it also helps to calm your mind. When your countertops are clear of unnecessary things, there is less to think about cleaning, which helps you relax and enjoy your home.

When you finish cooking or getting ready in the bathroom, be sure you put everything you pulled out back where they belong.

It takes less than a minute, and it keeps your home clean and tidy for far longer than if you don’t do this!


4. Hem your shower curtains.

By cutting your shower curtain and not allowing it to drag on the bottom of the bathtub, you can say goodbye to mould and soap scum. When the shower curtain is too long and it bunches, mould easily grows.

5. Use the right tools

The tools you use when you’re cleaning can make a huge difference in how effective you are. For example, use a microfiber cloth to clean glass and wooden surfaces instead of an old damp cloth where you have to keep wiping, but never seem to get all of the marks out. Dust and dirt cling to the microfiber cloth, making your surfaces easier and faster to clean and shine. Knowing exactly what tools to use will reduce your cleaning time, with a bonus of not getting frustrated in the process.

Another awesome tool is a spray mop – this has an integrated spray bottle for your floor cleaner, so all you need to do is pull the trigger and mop. Keep it handy so you can whizz over the kitchen and bathroom floors in next to no time.


6. Create a Cleaning Calendar

In the same manner, you can further reduce cleaning time by spreading out tasks such as organising the wardrobe, washing the windows, and purging the basement throughout the year. You’ll be surprised to see how little time you’ll need to clean next time because you almost don’t have anything left to clean in the first place!


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6 Ways To Cut Your Cleaning Time