Administration Support

With any Strata and Community Plan comes alot of administration requierments. Alongside your Management Consultant the Administration team will;
  • Ensure your Corporation’s compliance with Strata / Community Titles legislation.
  • Ensure your articles, constitution, by-laws or house rules are compliant with the relevant Act, observed and adhered to, and that new owners and property managers receive this information.
  • Compile and maintain proper records for the Corporation’s books, records and other documents.
  • Issue all necessary notices for the Corporation. Provide for the safe custody of, supervise and record the use of the Corporation’s Common Seal and Certificate of Title.
  • Arrange Insurance policies for the common property and assist in the claims process if the need arises.
  • Maintain the Unit / Lot Owners Register, compliant with the Act, and ensure that the Privacy Act is adhered to.
  • Liaise with elected Office Bearers and Management Committee members to ensure that Corporation’s directives are carried out.
  • Arrange and attend your Annual General Meeting, General Meetings, and if required Management Committee and on-site Maintenance Meetings.
  • Venues can be at Munro Property Group offices, on-site, or another nominated location either during the day or evenings.
  • Prepare and send agendas, proxy nomination forms and financial statements to each Unit / Lot owner prior to meetings as required by legislation.
  • Assist in the conduct of the meeting/s and the recording of the minutes, if required.
  • Prepare and provide a budget estimate of expenses for the coming year.
  • Prepare and distribute minutes of meetings. Act upon all directives as resolved at meetings.